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Human Factors & Ergonomics
Banedanmark image


Providing human factors expertise for Denmark's 15-year resignalling project

Services: Human Factors & Ergonomics, Operations Design

Banedanmark - a governmental body under the Danish Ministry of Transport - is in the process of a 15-year signalling replacement project on the Fjernbane network. The long-distance railway's new signaling system, ERTMS (European Railway Traffic Management System) will replace the railway's old signaling system, which causes delays for train traffic. Banedanmark expects an 80% decline in signal-related delays on main and regional lines as a result of the Signalling Programme. Countrywide there will be a higher and more homogenous level of safety and future maintenance will be more economical and the system will provide an unprecedented foundation for better-centralised traffic control, energy optimization, and on-time passenger information. Mima has provided crucial human factors expertise to Alstom for Banedanmark for the East Side of the 15-year signaling replacement.

Strategic Planning

Mima produced an ergonomics plan spanning the whole 15-year programme, which delivered interactive ergonomics and design input across all Traffic Management, Control Centre and trackside equipment work streams.

A map of the part of Denmark highlighting the 15 year resignalling project

Project Scope

Our human factors input included the TM interface/ HMI design, the ergonomic design of East Side Control Centre covering the operations floor, back offices and equipment room specifications. The control centre work included the operations floor functional layout design, workstation design and tender specifications.

A view from the driver's cabin on the Fjernbane network

Added Value

Through our strategic assessment and planning of human factors implications across the project, including both the control centre and signalling human, we improved the usability of the safety-critical control systems, ensuring the control centre design met the unique user needs